SSEA is an independent teaching and research organisation based in London and Cambridge (UK). Its cross-disciplinary programme brings together three areas of expertise: science-studies, spirituality, and experimental art. We are committed to art making as a form of social praxis, to the interpretation of technoscience as inherently political, and to the examination of religious figuration in the contemporary world. SSEA aims is committed to establishing and sustaining relationships between practitioners, researchers and students in these and other areas. The programme currently combines seminars, exhibitions, work sharing, reading groups and interdisciplinary discussions. In all of SSEA's activities, questions about the nature of research, teaching and practice are always at stake: both the subject of study and the conditions of that study are to be explored and, if necessary, rebuilt from within. In practice this means that SSEA is equally committed to aiding its members in pursuing traditional sources of accreditation and funding, and seeking new forms of collaboration and support.
In the future we hope to provide a physical locus for these activities; a centre of experimental arts education that will be home to a core group of practising artists and researchers, a residency programme and a stream of artists, students and spiritual practitioners attending courses and workshops. SSEA continues the work of the collective UA/Elements of Religion, which was an artist collective, founded in 2013 during a summer residency at Bold Tendencies (Peckham). Following this it was an Arts Council funded project (2013–2016). UA aimed to develop forms of collaborative art practice using tools, texts and practices drawn from religion, spirituality, ritual and myth. UA’s activities spanned sculpture, painting, poetry, ritual performance, workshops and retreats. The group’s process centred around intimate private ceremonies and rites.
S.E.A // Registered Charity no. 1178025